Corrie 2003 pups
3 weeks


more Corrie and Gromit pictures
1 week
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
5 weeks
6 weeks
7 weeks
8 weeks/Frame of puppies
New names/new homes

3 week old group
Corrie is still being a good mom

Sassy 3 weeks
There is always one who marches to their own beat

3 week group
Life consists of sleeping, playing and eating

Kids and pups
Even though a tight fit, the kids love to climb in with the pups

Corrie and Number 9

The story of Number 9.  Corrie had eight pups, and for most dogs, that would be enough.  Shortly after the pups were born, I would find a certain squeaky toy in the box with the pups, and I'd remove it.  Then I noticed that when Corrie came in from being let outside, the first thing she would do is find that toy and place it back in the box.  I'm sure she thinks it is a puppy, and how careless of us to misplace it!  So we call it "number 9".  She acts almost embarrassed when she is holding it, though, and it is hard to get a picture.  When the pups were about a week old, I think she decided number 9 must be dead, and she started burying it.  She would take it into corners of the room (laundry room which is somewhat unfinished) and rip insulation from the walls.  Or bury it in blankets on the floor.  But she would always go back and save it and put it back in the box.  Very odd.  And this is a dog who loves to squeak, squeak, squeak her toys!  When she has number 9, there is no squeaking it.  She is very gentle.  What a funny dog!