Eleven weeks


About Cricket and Shylo | Newborn | One Week | Two weeks | Three weeks | Four weeks | Five weeks | Six weeks | Big group | Seven weeks | Eight weeks | Nine weeks | Ten weeks | Eleven weeks | New names/homes

Due to the Easter holiday, the flying pups are here for an extra week.  We have been playing outside as much as possible!

Skylarks Heavenly Hibeams
Axel (now "Beamer")

Buddy racing the pups
One year old Buddy (Golden Retriever) loves to play with the puppies!

Skylark Chasing Rainbows

Buddy stalks Axel
The stalking game-as Axel gets closer, Buddy assumes the hungry lion posture

Lucky, Axel, Ivy and Sadie (mostly hidden)
For one brief moment, the pups stand still!

Lucky gives kisses!
Luke with Axel and Lucky